The Joy of Success: 10 Essential Skills for Getting the Success You Want
The book that started it all ...
In these hectic, demanding times we simply don't have time to do what doesn't matter, but most people spend hours each day doing just that. They work longer and harder with more stress and less satisfaction and fewer dreams realized. And they teach their children to do the same.
In this new edition, renowned business consultant and motivational speaker Susan Ford Collins shows individuals how to achieve success in their lives. She outlines 10 essential Success Skills and provides easy-to-learn methods for immediately putting them to use.
Whether you are changing jobs or relationships, starting or managing companies, families or countries, these 10 skills will guide you step-by-step not just to the successes other people want for you, but to the completion of your own projects and dreams.
The Joy of Success ... Kindle #1 Bestseller Personal Success Business, #2 Self Help, #3 Personal Finance
Also available in hardcover. Book One in The Technology of Success Book Series.
“I have been reading books on success for over 30 years. This is one of the most sophisticated and useful ones I have ever read. I highly recommend it.”
“Finally, a book about success written by a woman who has also raised children! Thank you for illuminating a path to success that includes all of our potential—body, mind, and spirit.”
Success Has Gears: Using the Right Gear in Business and Life
While shadowing Highly Successful People, Susan Ford Collins discovered something all leaders need to know: Success and leadership have gears that must be shifted up and down, at the right time. In Success Has Gears, Susan Ford Collins and Richard Israel teach you to literally transform your leadership overnight.
Success Has Gears presents 20 case studies in which leaders and team members operate in the wrong gear at the wrong time ... and it reveals the real cost of these result-reducing, team-destroying errors. Success Has Gears provides the tools and understandings you need to shift your approach so your gears, and those of people you work with, mesh.
When you and your organization use the right Success and Leadership Gears at the right time, your effectiveness, productivity, creativity will rise to the next level. And the impact of your contribution rises too.
Business leaders literally shouted, “Why didn’t anyone teach me this before? It’s game changing.” And they are right. What are you waiting for?
“A thought-provoking guide to the dynamic process of leading in the modern workplace—even when you are simply leading yourself to higher levels of performance.”
“This book shows you how to reach a place where true leadership, creativity and innovation can grow … even in a chaotic workplace.
Our Children Are Watching: 10 Skills for Leading the Next Generation to Success
Find The Joy of Success in your own family.
Have you ever wondered which of the trillion things you do for your kids actually contribute to success in their lives?
As parents in today's always-on world, it seems like we are killing ourselves in an effort to make sure our kids' have everything they need, but we leave out the most important element of all: giving our kids happy, satisfied, well-balanced parents!
In trying to meet the demands of our lives, we work longer and harder with more stress and less satisfaction—is this the model of "success" we want to demonstrate to our children? Remember: You are leading by example. Ask yourself: Is success only measured by your outside accomplishments?
What makes some individuals far more successful and effective as leaders, with peers and co-workers, and at home with their kids? This book will help you discover how to Parent for Success!
“This may just be one of the most important books you will ever read in your life, important for you and your children. I read hundreds of books every year and I can count on one hand how many books I have ever read that hold the potential to transform lives as deeply as this book does. It has the power to change your life forever, if you are willing.”
“Susan Ford Collins is the quintessential good mother. Her experience as a researcher, her warmth and sense of humor all contribute to a wonderful learning experience. Two thumbs up!”
“Our Children Are Watching is a book full of hope—a very valuable item.”
Now it’s …
available on Amazon and Audible.
BLUR is a new, post-pandemic epidemic! BLUR is the muddled state we find ourselves in when we experience a sting of mind-boggling life events: natural disasters, job losses, breakups, cancers, deaths, and I need to add COVID to that list.
This book teaches the skills you will need to lead yourself out of BLUR, and how to lead your partner, family, or business. It will guide you when you’re asked to step up … even though your plate is not just full but overflowing, even though you feel you can’t. But you must.
Yes, THERE IS A PATH OUT OF BLUR! This book and the Technology of Success skills it contains will help you CLEAR THE WAY AHEAD … even in the worst of times.
“Susan Ford Collins has done it again! The right skills at the right time.””
“Susan has captured what happens when we’re overwhelmed by challenges that come in rapid succession. And shares how to come out better on the other side.”
“This book teaches us how to be healthy and successful ... even in difficult confusing times.”
Amazon Reviews …
In my opinion, "BLUR" is a unique discovery that addresses the everyday struggles many of us are facing in the aftermath of COVID. This book focuses on the "BLUR" we encounter as we navigate through life or cope with the pain of grief, making it a crucial topic. From the first few pages, I was captivated and impressed by the author's ability to establish a connection with the reader. I strongly recommend this book and suggest purchasing a copy for a friend as well. — Ishmael Voltaire
Susan Ford Collins' book should be required reading for anyone, but it was especially profound for me. As I was reading, I realized I was allowing my fear of failure and rejection to BLUR the expression of my creativity. I was forgetting that, to achieve the success I envision, ALL of our efforts must be collaborative. Through a myriad of examples and reflections, Susan demonstrates that great leaders are able to communicate their vision clearly and concisely and that success is achieved by positively, decisively and quickly responding to feedback. Thank you, Susan for being open and sharing your story of incredible love and incredible loss. You’ve given us a guide and toolkit to help see The Way Ahead. — Adam Oliver
Susan Ford Collins has done it again! Based on personal stories, told straight from the heart, she takes us on a journey providing concrete examples and clarity for all of us looking at understanding what happened since 2020. An essential read for any leader … and any human being. — Eric Rozenberg
As an editor, I work with many writers. Only a minority are willing to do the hard work of writing and rewriting and
reading and rereading until the book is ready. Susan is one of those hard workers who cares about every word. You'll certainly enjoy this book. — David Bricker