Susan Ford Collins
Executive Coach, Author and Speaker
The Technology of Success is based on the groundbreaking work of Susan Ford Collins. When she began her career as a young researcher at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), she asked a radical question: What more could we learn if we studied healthy, Highly Successful People, not just ill and dysfunctional ones? Are Highly Successful People using skills the rest of us are missing, or misusing?
For two decades, Susan Ford Collins shadowed Highly Successful People from all walks of life and identified 10 skills they were using consistently … but unconsciously. With the help of her business partner Richard Israel, himself a highly accomplished author and speaker, Susan shaped her research into a powerhouse training program. This powerful leadership and career advancement program has been used by American Express, Ryder System, Kimberly-Clark, Digital Equipment, Florida Power & Light, CNN and thousands of other major corporations, universities and organizations around the world.
When all 10 Success Skills are used correctly, individual and team productivity, collaboration and creativity rise to the next level. And profitability rises too.
Are you missing, or misusing, one or more of these skills? How would your life and career change if you were using all 10, at the right time?
Today, The Technology of Success teaches these skills to companies, schools, parents, and to people from all walks of life through its books, training programs, educational workshops, and one-to-one coaching.
A nationally-known speaker and frequent guest on radio and TV, Susan's 10 Success and Leadership Skills are changing lives and empowering dreams. How about yours?
Susan Ford Collins is a Founder and Board Member of The Strategic Forum, a powerful network of top CEOs, with branches in South Florida and New York City, and serves on its board. She also serves on the Board of The Way Ahead Collaborative.
“Susan was the keynote speaker at our banquet honoring Wendy's founder Dave Thomas' wife. Dave was sitting next to Susan at the head table. He’d had heart surgery and all through the evening, his wife fed him slowly like a child—he didn't greet anyone in anything but a flat murmur. But when Susan finished speaking, Dave rose to his feet and threw his arms around her with tears in his eyes. This is the power that Susan has as a speaker.” Yvette Diana, Event Chairperson, Profiles of Excellence
“Quick-witted, full of stories, Susan’s depth of thought and knowledge will leave you and your audience inspired and full of possibilities for a fulfilling future.” Bobby Ellerbee, Creative Director, WLYF 101.5 LITE FM
“I have 21 years in the fire department and have taken the lieutenant's test eight times and not scored high enough to be promoted. I decided to read your book before attempting it again. I practiced your success skills and last month I took the exam and placed tenth out of 275 firemen. Before your book I felt this couldn't be done.” Vernon Oster, Fire Department, Metropolitan Dade County
“I increased my income by 45% within two months using The Technology of Success.” Dr. Jerry Johnson
“Anything is possible. What was impossible yesterday could be possible today or tomorrow.” Susan Ford Collins, America's Premier Success and Leadership Coach